This old song has always been my favorite, I don't know why, but I guess it's because I never knew I could wrote some thing like this. The progression from the reggae-like groove to the hard distortion-ed chorus never fail to bring up that ol' shiver down my spine. Enjoy!
So one day me and my friend went to this automobile exhibition downtown, it was kinda long time ago, my friend and I like to go to exhibitions, expos and stuff like that. We like to see the new technology, gadgets and stuff being exhibited there, apart from the sales promotion girls. Anyway, the reason I went there is because this girl I know was working there, never mind what she was working as, I somehow found out that she was working there, at the exhibition, where she usually works, now you make a good guess as to what she was working as at the exhibition. So I resolve to ask her about the exhibition and the conditions she was working at there, so I can plan her a surprise visit. Against all my expectations she didn't just gave me "enough" information, she gave me the whole rundown and full schedule of her current job, such as what day of the week she's working, what time her shift starts and when it ends, which days had short shift and which days had long shift, ...